About JCamp 180

JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Its mission is to strengthen the long-term organizational effectiveness and financial sustainability of nonprofit Jewish camps to ensure our community’s future and connection to Judaism.

"On behalf of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, I wanted to personally thank you for the tremendous work JCamp 180 is doing to raise the bar for the entire field of Jewish camping. In just a few years you have helped transform the field. Todah Rabbah for all that you do to grow and enhance the field of Jewish camping."Rabbi David Soloff, Executive Director, Camp Ramah in Wisconsin 

JCamp 180®, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF), supports the sustainability and organizational effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps through challenge grants, training for lay and professional leaders, and ongoing individual consultation.

JCamp 180:

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