JCamp 180 Logos

Featuring JCamp 180 on your website, in an email, or in a brochure? Download our logo below.


JCamp 180 requires affiliated camps to place the JCamp 180 logo on its website and in any marketing or promotional materials, in any and all media. This includes communications about matching grants provided by the Foundation: please use the language, “matching grants are made possible by JCamp 180®, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation."

JCamp 180 Logos and Brand Guidelines

The wordmark "JCamp 180" and the logo mark (®), both with and without the tagline, are trademarks of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. We are pleased to allow our partners and affiliated camps to use the trademark and logo for permitted uses.

The trademarks relate to all aspects of the program, including the educational services, charitable services, grants, printed products, electronic communications, brochures, and other materials providing information about and relating to the program.

As a partner or affiliated camp, you are authorized to use the word mark and logo mark exclusively for communications connected to the JCamp 180 program, as described below.

Brand Guide and Usage Rules

  1. Capitalization -- In the word mark, "JCamp 180," capitalize the "J" and "C." Include a space between JCamp and 180. The word mark appears as follows: JCamp 180.
  2. Trademark Symbol -- Include the registered trademark symbol (®) with the word mark the first time "JCamp 180" is mentioned in a communication. It should appear as "JCamp 180®." (If, however, the logo is used at the top of a communication, the word mark need not contain the trademark symbol in the body of the text.) Thereafter, the word mark, "JCamp 180," may appear without the trademark symbol in the same document.
  3. Acknowledgement -- Any documents containing the trademark must provide the following acknowledgement:
"JCamp 180" and "JCamp 180 logo" are trademarks of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. All rights reserved.

JCamp 180 Logo Downloads

Below are the official JCamp 180 logos and variations.
These logos are intended for camp and organizational use. To download a logo, right click on the appropriate link below and select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As."

If you have questions about logo use or cobranding, please contact us.