What's new at JCamp 180?
What can you learn from JCamp 180's first cohort of LEAP - Leadership Engagement and Advancement Program?
Why Irving Potter continues to attend #JCampConf and why you should, too.
What does the experience of calling your camp say about your brand?
How did the JCamp 180 GIFT Program and Veritus Group help Surprise Lake Camp get started with Major Gifts?
What happens when camp board members visit other camps during the summer?
What does your communications staff need from your camp's leadership to be successful? Be sure they have these three things.
This simple matrix can help you keep track of the contributions of your current board members, as well as who you might want on the board in the future.
Good people who love your camp would be touched and honored to leave an after-life gift. Who should you offer the opportunity to leave a Legacy?
What can you do to ensure your audience opens your emails...and takes your requested action?
These strategies shared by David Brooks in the New York Times could help when you have opposing viewpoints at work or at home.