These strategies shared by David Brooks in the New York Times could help when you have opposing viewpoints at work or at home.
The social media landscape can feel overwhelming, but social can be an effective tool for keeping in touch with your audiences. Check out this popular presentation from #JCampConf to learn more.
Does your Camp Board have a Personnel (or Human Resources) Committee? Read on to learn about the important responsibilities of this Committee.
Alumni profiles tell the story of the impact of camp and can engage both prospective and current families and help build and deepen connection with your camp alumni.
What can you do as the Camp Director or Executive Director to help ensure your team meets its fundraising goals?
What can your camp learn from this voicemail from Shalom Institute?
Your camp already knows who its most likely donors are – alumni, camper families, board members, etc. - people who already have a strong connection to your camp. Invest in them instead.
Our Mentors recommend this list of blogs, eNewsletters, books, and conferences for anyone involved in fundraising for #jewishcamp.
The Power of Moments shares how to intentionally create memorable moments - what does it mean for YOUR camp?
The American Camp Association offers a number of resources to help Board Members learn about trends and issues impacting camp.