Have you ever noticed that individual moments – beginnings, ends, and other peaks – often define how we remember events in our lives? If so, why don’t we intentionally create and elevate more of these moments in our personal and professional lives to ensure positive memories of our experiences?
That’s the idea behind the Heath Brothers’ book
The Power of Moments. They explain that moments of Elevation, Insight, Pride, and Connection are the most likely to be memorable or meaningful.
You might remember fondly being given a promotion or an award…or even just a compliment about your work (Pride). Or a time when you and your team were helped to realize the incredible impact you had on someone (Insight, Pride). Or were happily surprised by the personalized customer service you received from a company (Elevation). Or were heartened by the shared struggle you had with your community to save your local library (Connection).
Power of Moments at #JCampConf
The book was also the inspiration for a session at the recent JCamp 180 Annual Conference I led with Technology Program Manager Kevin Martone. We designed the experiential session to help share the main ideas of the book and to intentionally create peak moments for participants to inspire them to create more of these moments for their camp communities.
For example, we included an elevated beginning (with champagne and soft slippers), a moment of fun and connection (with a live version of Hava Nageela followed by participants doing the Hora) or an ending of pride (surprising them by reading a personalized accomplishment of themselves written by someone from their camp). The workshop tried to illustrate the POWER of these defining moments and gave participants the opportunity to share moments they already create and to brainstorm how to create more moments of these kind.
Looking for more information about the book? Check out this
article about the ideas in the book and how we incorporated them into our session.
Your Turn
Look back and think about moments that were especially memorable or meaningful for you. And we know that camps have been making memorable moments for campers for years. Now consider how you can intentionally make moments like these for ALL your audiences: donors, board members, alumni, parents, and staff. We created a
worksheet to help you and your team develop ideas that would delight YOUR audiences.
Written by Tara Acker. Tara is a Mentor with JCamp 180. Her focus areas at JCamp 180 include Jewish Camp Branding, Day Camps, financial literacy for Jewish Camps, and organizational development.
Who we are: JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Our goal is to significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps in North America. To meet this goal, we provide affiliated Jewish camps with consulting services, annual conferences, shared resources, professional development, and matching grant opportunities. Find more at www.jcamp180.org