Communications can get complicated.
When you layer various
goals (enrollment, fundraising, engagement) and many audiences (campers, parents, potential families/campers, staff, donors, prospects, alumni, and other stakeholders), deciding what communications to send out, when, and on what channel can be difficult.
That’s where a communications plan comes in.
Ideally everyone at camp involved in any of the goals mentioned above will work together to consider the major goals and campaigns for the year, and plan the associated communications. This will ensure that your #givingtuesday email doesn’t go out the same day as the early bird re-enrollment email, for example.
The communications plan should also define which audience is receiving each communication. Special care should be taken to be sure everyone receives only relevant information; otherwise, they may just stop listening to ALL of your communications.
Oh, and did I mention that your summer communications are drastically different from the rest of the year?
Sound confusing? Need help creating or refining your year-round or summer communications plans? If so,
JTEC (JCamp 180 Training in Effective Communications) may be for you and your camp.
Participants in JTEC leave the year-long program with an updated year-round communications plan and a summer communications plan. They will also gain increased knowledge about communications tools and tactics, a better understanding of
what makes their camp unique, and a thoughtful consideration of their camp’s social media policies. Maybe most importantly, participants will gain a cohort of peers they can learn from during the program and beyond.
Applications for the next cohort of JTEC are live now and close on Friday, September 14, so please apply soon if you may be interested in the program.
Have questions? Please contact JTEC Program Director Kevin Martone.
Apply to JTEC today!
Written by Kevin Martone. Kevin is the Technology Program Manager with JCamp 180. His focus area is in applying technology (database management, communications) to support fundraising and outreach efforts. Kevin leads JTEC (JCamp 180 Training in Effective Communications) and co-leads Data2Donors, a program to help camps prioritize their database for improved Alumni outreach and fundraising.
Who we are: JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Our goal is to significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps in North America. To meet this goal, we provide affiliated Jewish camps with consulting services, annual conferences, shared resources, professional development, and matching grant opportunities. Find more at