Pipelines and Pyramids: Building Annual Giving Programs That Last

On Tuesday, May 25th, JCamp 180 Mentors Dan Kirsch and Julia Riseman led a discussion about the fundamentals of planning and implementing a successful Annual Giving program. Are you interested in growing your camp's fundraising for long-term sustainability? Do you believe you could do more to encourage alumni, parents and extended camp family to support your camp's current priorities including scholarships? Wonder how to prioritize annual giving within your overall development plans? With assistance from Tamarack Camps' Deena Lockman and Lauren Katz, Dan and Julia discussed the fundamentals of successful Annual Giving Campaigns. 

The presentation and a recording of the Webinar itself are available below.



Pipelines and Pyramids: Building Annual Giving Programs That Last PowerPoint - Download
This presentation covers the importance of Annual Giving programs and how they can be successfully implemented. 

Sample Annual Giving Tool - Segments, Goals, and Activities - Download
This is a sample of the type of planning tool an organization can use to manage an annual gifts campaign. Your specific needs will help you customize the tools for your needs. 

eNewsletter Articles

Pipelines and Pyramids: Building Annual Giving Programs That Last - Read Article

Track and Segment Your Data for Annual Giving Campaigns - Read Article


Watch "Pipelines and Pyramids"