Graduates of the first session of the JCamp 180 GIFT Fundraiser's Training ended their year-long collaboration by crafting a set of 11 fun commandments every camp fundraiser should follow:
- Thou shall honor thy donors
- Thou shall maintain relationships and be good stewards (to every donor, every alumnus, every parent, every prospect)
- Thou shall understand the importance of communicating the story - the passion, the urgency, the vision - to anyone who will listen
- Thou shall fundraise with a passionate desire for every child to have the opportunity for a Jewish camp experience
- Thou shall understand that your alumni's camp experience was as transformative as his/her formal education
- Thou shall create easy ways for people to update the camp donor database with updated information: name changes, addresses, emails, marriages, births, and any other pertinent information
- Thou shall maintain and update thy data and thy technology to remain current and focused on achieving thy goals ... whatever the future of technology shall bring
- Thou shall ensure donors and prospects visit camp with proper shoes, sunscreen, hat, water bottle, and smiles
- Thou shall give to camp
- Thou shall ask thy friends and Board Members to give to camp
- Thou shall have fun and not take yourself too seriously