
It’s on Us: An introduction to Youth Safeguarding Practices for Lay Leaders

As a camp board or committee member, do you understand your role in youth safeguarding at camp?

This session – led by Sacred Spaces - will focus on increasing knowledge about abuses of power and the critical role Jewish camp lay leaders play in helping to promote safety and respect and respond to abuses when they do occur.

All are welcome to join JCamp 180 and Sacred Spaces on Wednesday, March 1 at 2 PM Eastern. This session is especially relevant for lay leaders, but camp execs are welcome to join as well. By participating in this 90-minute session, you will be able to:
  • Understand the unique vulnerabilities of a camp setting and explain the primary types of abuse that can occur in camp settings.
  • Discuss the role of board and camp committee members in relation to camp-based prevention and response policies and protocols.
  • Understand 10 best practices for youth safeguarding and share a roadmap for implementing them at your camp.
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We strongly encourage camps to register at least two attendees. This facilitates continuing discussions among the camp and lay leaders and helps ensure that more than one person is supporting youth safeguarding efforts at your camp.

About the speakers:

Sacred Spaces partners with Jewish institutions to prevent and respond to sexual abuse and other abuses of power. Bringing a uniquely Jewish lens, Sacred Spaces is dedicated to ending institutional abuse through a systemic approach across the lifespan and denominations. It is driven by the belief that healthy and accountable institutions - whose culture and daily operations foster sacredness and reduce the risk of harassment, abuse, and other forms of interpersonal harm - contribute to the overall health and well-being of the community.

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