Thursday, February 15 4:00-5:30 PM EST
This virtual workshop series is designed to support Jewish overnight camps on their journeys toward building their permanent endowment funds and securing their financial future. Each workshop will include one hour of learning, followed by thirty minutes of optional group coaching facilitated by the JCamp 180 team alongside content experts.
All workshops are open to both camp professionals and lay leaders, and are designed to be accessed on a drop-in basis; you can choose to attend the entire series or select only those sessions most relevant to your camp’s journey. We hope you will join us to access tailored resources, learn about best practices, and hear from experts in the field of endowment and planned giving!
In this session, held on February 15, 2024, the team from investment management firm QuantStreet Capital, Dr. Harry Mamaysky and Isaac Mamaysky, Esq. and Dan Kirsch, JCamp 180 Consultant discussed setting up your permanent endowment fund. They delved into details such as how to select the right investment partner to manage your fund, what policies must be in place to govern your fund, how to develop a strategic spending and investment policy, and the role of your camp’s board of directors in oversight and management.
This workshop is relevant for camps that are exploring setting up a permanent endowment fund for the first time. It is also applicable to camps that are considering updating the endowment policies on an existing fund to meet JCamp 180’s Endowment Accelerator grant requirements.
>> Watch the Workshop Recording