
The Art of the Legacy Ask

The Art of the Legacy Ask

Webinar - February 22, 2018

What do experienced volunteers say about their experience recruiting new Legacy members? They call it “rewarding,” “gratifying,” and “not difficult at all.”
Why? Because they are having fabulous conversations about the things we all love and value the most in life.
This webinar, held on Thursday, February 22 shared the secrets you need to know to confidently engage in meaningful conversations about making after-life gifts to camp, and how to invite people to join your camp’s Legacy Society. Participants learned easy to remember tips and tricks to artfully guide deeply meaningful conversations that lead people to take action. 
This webinar covered:
  • The artistry of a Legacy ask
  • Tips to know what to say and when
  • How to leave behind your fears
  • The Legacy ask at different stages of life
  • Who is most motivated to join your Legacy Society
Find a recording of this webinar on the 2018 Legacy Webinar series page.