Nonprofit Jewish camps are facing enormous uncertainty around Summer 2021:
- What if our capacity is slashed?
- Will scholarship demand soar? Will traditional incentives work?
- What health and safety accommodations will we need to make?
- Can we depend on our traditional recruitment channels?
- How can we secure the trust of first-time camper families?
- How can we communicate with families effectively with so many unanswered questions?
- How do you determine tuition pricing and incentives with more competition and fewer resources?
- How will the increased deposits/rollover tuition from Summer 2020 affect your Summer 2021 planning?
- How can year-round programming build commitment for summer 2021?
No one knows for sure what camp will look like next summer. But we can join together to draw on our best available thinking to craft effective enrollment strategies.
In this webinar - the first in a series of 3 - camp staff and lay leaders discussed their questions, concerns, ideas, and innovations about Summer 2021 enrollment.
In addition, Matt Levitt from Camp Ramah in the Rockies shared how they are "Framing the Next Normal" to plan with an uncertain future.
Together we will take on Jewish camps’ biggest enrollment challenges for Summer 2021!
>>Click here to view the recording of the Webinar