Recently Harold Grinspoon sat with Mark Gold (Director of JCamp 180) and Arlene Schiff (National Director of Life and Legacy) to discuss the importance of consistent heartfelt stewardship of Legacy Donors. An impromptu "home video" of the meeting was made by way of hand held iPhone.
Stewardship lets the Legacy Donor know the Camp appreciates their gift, demonstrating respect for the partnership, connecting the Legacy Donors values with the Camps values. Harold speaks candidly about his own feeling of disconnect when he as a donor is not acknowledged. In this video, Harold shares;
- That continuous donor stewardship is imperative;
- If he's not being stewarded, he questions whether other donors are being stewarded; and
- His (and other peoples') Legacy commitments are not guaranteed without demonstrated stewardship throughout 2017 (and beyond).
Listen in to this candid exchange to better understand the importance of stewardship (or lack thereof) from the donor's perspective.