On January 14, 2021, guest presenters
Steven Woolf from the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) and Andrew Gurwitz Ziv from Eden Village Camp led a webinar on the major provisions of the COVID-19 financial relief bill passed in the U.S. in December 2020 and how it applies to camps specifically.
If you are a professional or volunteer responsible for ensuring your camp’s financial stability, watch this recording to be sure your camp is prepared to maximize the opportunities in the new bill.
Note: New "Second Draw" PPP applications are now open!
This session addresses some of the most common questions for camps:
- Can you retroactively increase the PPP amount you received in 2020?
- What are the new rules and formulas for PPP Round 2 in 2021?
- Are you eligible for the Employee Retention Credit retroactively for 2020? Again in 2021?
Webinar Recording
Related Resources