Get Creative! Tapping Into Alternative Funding Sources for Camps - May 21st, 2012

On Thursday, May 22, 2012, Natasha Dresner and leaders from Camp JORI and Habonim Dror Camp Moshava led a Webinar titled Get Creative! Tapping Into Alternative Funding Sources for Camps.

During this session, both camps shared their experiences finding new, lucrative funding sources outside of their traditional partners and supporters. Every nonprofit organization must fundraise to ensure a sustainable financial model. But camps can't always rely on their existing, traditional funders. Creative diversification of funding sources is an important ingredient to weathering any economy, especially a downturn. This Webinar shows how Camp JORI and Habonim Dror Camp Moshava found alternative sources of funding as well as other creative ideas for ensuring the sustainability of nonprofit camps.



Get Creative! Tapping Into Alternative Funding Sources for Camps (PPT) - Download
Presentation describing how Habonim Dror Camp Moshava and Camp JORI successfully tapped into alternative funding sources.

How Was This Letter to Harold Grinspoon Different from Other Letters?!? (LINK) - Click Here
Article describing how organizations can learn from a successful Stewardship letter from Camp JORI.

Sample Stewardship Letter from Camp JORI (PDF) - Click Here
Sample Stewardship Letter from Camp JORI that caught Harold Grinspoon's attention.

Fundraising Section of the JCamp 180 Knowledge Center (LINK) - Click Here
Find more articles and samples about Fundraising in the JCamp 180 Knowledge Center.


WATCH: "Get Creative!" Webinar Recording


Due to technical issues, there is a slight delay at the beginning of our recording. The presentation starts at the 3 minute mark.