Create Your Match 7 is the follow-up matching grant program for camps that completed Meet Your Match 7. This program was intended to help camps continue to cultivate and motivate their donors.
Working with their JCamp 180 mentor, each camp created a detailed plan for the use of all funds raised by the Create Your Match 7 program. Camps must use at least 50% of Create Your Match 7 funds for capital improvements and may use the remainder for capital improvements, scholarships, endowments or annual operating needs.
In Phase 1 (September 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019), each camp raised minimum gifts of $25,000 from donors (up to a $75,000 maximum). These gifts were matched 1:1 by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to create a pool of matching funds of up to $150,000. Pledges had to be paid in full by August 31, 2019.
In Phase 2 (ending August 31, 2019), the pool of matching funds of up to $150,000 were used to match 1:2 all eligible gifts of $3,600 or more. Gifts in both phases could come from new or previous donors and from individuals, families (spouse, parents, grandparents, siblings, and children), foundations, or corporations. Each phase 2 pledge must be paid in full by August 31, 2021 although no matching fund will be distributed until the gift payments meet the $3,600 threshold. All requests for matching fund disbursement by JCamp 180 must provide proof of payment and must be made through our on-line grants administration system.
Grants from a Jewish Federation, a program or facilities specific grant, or from the Foundation for Jewish Camp do not qualify for matching in either phase 1 or phase 2.
Administration / Data Submission
The Create Your Match 7 program is administered by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation grants administration team using an on-line grants management system. This on-line system requires each particpating camp to have an account and to register for each grant in which they particpate. The submission of support documentation that requests matching funds from our foundation must also be submitted through this web portal.
Camps participating in the CYM7 program should already have an account on the JCamp 180 grants administration system. If you are unsure of your account logon ID and/or password, please contact your JCamp 180 mentor or our grants adminstration team.
To register for the Create Your Match 7 program please click on this link.
To submit gift report data and request matching funds, you can access the on-line portal through the link at the bottom of the JCamp180.org home page, or by clicking on this link.
Directions for use of this system will be communicated to all participating camps during the program webinar.
The grant management system acknowledges all submissions by e-mail. It is the responsibility of the submitter to assure that documentation has been received by JCamp 180. Pledge and gift payment information must be provided to JCamp 180 within 30 days of the end of the pledge / payment period.
The grant management system acknowledges all submissions by e-mail. It is the responsibility of the submitter to assure that documentation has been received by JCamp 180. Pledge and gift payment information must be provided to JCamp 180 within 30 days of the end of the pledge / payment period.
Informational Webinar
JCamp 180 Director Mark Gold and HGF Grants Administrator Kate Rodowicz led a webinar for eligible camps on the rules and processes for Create Your Match 7. You can download the slides shown in that webinar by clicking here, or you can view the recording of the webinar below:
Participating Camps
- Camp Agudah Michigan ● Camp Kaylie
- Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa ● Camp Moshava California
- Camp Gan Israel Northeast ● Northland (Toronto Camp Council)