What's new at JCamp 180?
Are you having trouble finishing your camp's appeal letter? Worried nobody will respond...or even read it? Here are 8 tips that might help.
What do your friends with MBAs know that you can apply to your camp? Take a few minutes to learn these 4 lessons.
This year's Camp Census is now open. Please be sure your camp's data is entered - it can help your camp and the field of #jewishcamp.
If you are frustrated with the ability of your donor database to support your work, you might have a data problem. The solution just might be data standards.
What's it like to plan and execute a summer camp visit with Harold Grinspoon? And what should your camp expect when Harold arrives at YOUR camp?
You’ve been given a gift in support of your Jewish Camp. Now you must thank the donor in the most heartfelt and personal way possible. Here are some simple rules for every gift.
Few Jewish Camps invest the time and money needed to take advantage of wealth screening services. Is it worth it?
Are you considering a new donor database for your organization? Ask yourself these 6 questions first.
Adaptive Leadership is a framework to help individuals and organizations when there are no clear answers to problems because there isn’t agreement on the nature of the problems to begin with. Want to know more?