What's new at JCamp 180?
Decisions and structures at your camp are developing the culture at your organization, whether you want them to or not; build your culture intentionally to ensure success.
Register now to join 400+ of your peers in the field of Jewish Camp in Springfield, MA October 27-29, 2019.
How do your incentives - early bird, sibling discounts, etc. - stack up with other camps?
Board member Larry Cohen describes the impact of attending #JCampConf each year on him and his colleagues.
How can you make the best decisions at your camp? Start with good data.
People trust people more than organizations. How can you find, engage, and support your fans in spreading your camp's messages for you online?
Summer at camp is incredibly busy. Read how Camp Centerland was able to create simple - but powerful - stewardship postcards to engage their board members and donors this summer.
Find out how your camp tours compare to other camps and how you can make them even better.
Follow along this summer as our new Director, Sarah Eisinger, experiences the magic of camp and the great ideas camps are implementing across North America!
As a Board Member, do you question whether the JCamp 180 Conference is worth your time? So did Debbie Albert - until she attended.