
Supporting Your Success: Weekly Office Hours This Summer

We know that providing an incredible camp experience for campers and staff is your #1 priority this summer.

JCamp 180 is here to support your success however we can. This summer, we are offering informal “Office Hours” on Wednesdays at 2 PM Eastern from June 16 through August 18. The topic of these sessions will vary, driven by the needs and requests of the attendees. We expect them to be most relevant for board members and development professionals, although camp directors are welcome to join us as well. We hope these sessions provide camps with both helpful ideas AND community throughout the summer.

You can register for the entire summer of Office Hours.

Register today and join us when it is convenient and helpful for you.

If you have any ideas for topics for these sessions, please email jcamp180@hgf.org or contact your Mentor.

>> Register Today!

Thank you!
JCamp 180 Team