The death of George Floyd galvanized a movement. Since then many Jewish Camps have taken a public stand for Racial Equality and Justice. There is still so much more we should be doing.
On Tuesday, July 28 Camp Tawonga Directors Jamie Simon and Kiyomi Gelber shared their camp's journey over the past 2 years of prioritizing JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) work as a Board strategic priority, and what they learned along the way. This interactive session covered:
- Why this work is so important now
- How and why JEDI work become a Board and organizational-wide strategic priority
- Lessons learned on the journey over the past 2 years
- Tips and resources you can use
Rooted in Jewish values, this JCamp 180 webinar offered the inspiration and clear action items your Board and staff leadership needs to take some first - or next - steps on your camp’s racial justice journey. This interactive training will covered the question of why we should all be prioritizing this work, offered opportunities for reflection, and provided specific action steps for getting started on the path of racial equity and justice at your camp.
This session is ideal for Board and Camp Committee members and Senior Camp Staff.
>>Click here to view the recording of the Webinar