Calling all new(ish) members of a nonprofit Jewish camp board or camp committee. Are you confident that you know what you need to know to make the difference you want to make for your camp? Do you understand effective governance practices, particularly as they apply to a nonprofit Jewish camp?
Well, we’ve got some “TIPs” to share with you so that your service as a camp board member will be “Time Invested Productively” and a fulfilling experience as a lay leader.
Tuesday, April 12 at 8 PM Eastern, JCamp 180 Consultant Natasha Dresner led an informative and interactive hour-long webinar to help you be the most effective board member you can be. Natasha also directs the LEAP program at JCamp 180, where she trains dozens of camp board chairs and vice chairs in good governance practices.
Now you, as a newer board member, can learn Natasha’s most important TIPs to make your board experience productive for your camp and rewarding for you personally.
>> Click here for the webinar recording and slides