April is nearly here (!) and we know that filling new camper beds is at the top of many directors’ to do lists. If your camp isn’t full or you aren’t on a direct path to filling up your remaining spots, this session is for you.
In this webinar, held on
Wednesday, April 6, two veteran Jewish camp directors and new camp owners, Jodi Sperling and Mitch Morgan, led a candid conversation about new camper acquisition. They shared tools to think strategically about your current and potential sales funnels, generate new leads, and nurture leads through to close. There are no silver bullets, but there are action steps camps can take toward a successful spring recruiting season!
This is the third in a series of 4 workshops to help you optimize your enrollment work for Summer ’22…and beyond! We designed this 4-session series to deliver timely, actionable ideas and tools to meet your recruiting needs. When you register for this session, you can also register for the final session in the series as well.
We know how precious your time is in the lead up to camp, and we look forward to making each of these sessions the most valuable hour you spend that week!
Please note that these workshops have been created with both day and overnight camp professionals of all levels in mind.
>>Click here for the webinar recording and slides