As a Board Member, do you question whether the JCamp 180 Conference is worth your time? So did Debbie Albert - until she attended.
Retention is a key to keeping your camp full. Donor retention is just as important for your development efforts.
Follow along this summer as our new Director, Sarah Eisinger, experiences the magic of camp and the great ideas camps are implementing across North America!
The Oakland A's have recently implemented many popular fan services. What is the secret to this success?
Read on to get to know the new Director of JCamp 180.
Thank you to all new (and veteran!) board members of nonprofit Jewish camps. Here are some tips to help you be successful.
What can the arguments about the recent Game of Thrones series finale teach us about the experiences we create for others?
Direct mail is highly effective. But what's even better?
Check out these 10 ways camp board members can stay involved during the summer.
What can you learn about donor stewardship from organizations that provide great customer service?