As a board member of a Jewish Camp you may not have much experience in Capital Campaign Fundraising. And yet, as you look around camp this summer, perhaps you’ll notice that the Camp’s buildings and facilities require much needed repair, replacement, or upgrades. Or your summer board meeting will surface required capital additions to camps to keep your camp bunks and programming competitive.
A well-run capital campaign could bring much needed resources to your organization. Investment can drive stronger revenue from full enrollment. What might you need to know about Capital Campaigns?
Read this
short article about the basics of capital campaigns, including what capital campaigns really are; how they can help your camp; and what obstacles camps face in implementing successful capital campaigns.
Written by Julia Riseman. Julia is a Mentor with JCamp 180. Julia leads Data2Donors, a program to advance Alumni Outreach, improve camp databases, and raise more major gifts, and Fundraising Fundamentals. Julia has also sparked the creation of many JCamp 180 programs and offerings, including this blog.
Who we are: JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Our goal is to significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps in North America. To meet this goal, we provide affiliated Jewish camps with consulting services, annual conferences, shared resources, professional development, and matching grant opportunities. Find more at