The Harold Grinspoon Foundation and JCamp 180 are excited to announce a new competitive challenge grant program for nonprofit Jewish Day Camps in the United States interested in fundraising for physical improvements to better serve Jewish campers for years to come.
This matching grant will give one dollar for every two dollars raised (1:2) for gifts restricted for physical improvements (defined below), up to maximum grant allocation of up to $20,000. (For example, a camp that raises $40,000 will be eligible for a grant of $20,000 for a total project cost of at least $60,000).
Applications will be reviewed competitively, and we expect to support up to 25 grants.
For more information, check out the grant guidelines and information about applying.
Who we are: JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Our goal is to significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps in North America. To meet this goal, we provide affiliated Jewish camps with consulting services, annual conferences, shared resources, professional development, and matching grant opportunities. Find more at