
Is Your Legacy Program Still Dormant?

Was one of your resolutions to get your Camp Legacy Program back into action this year? Did you receive dozens of “Letters of Intent” from supporters of your camp in the past...only to put Legacy (and these special fans) on the back-burner?
If you answered yes to either of the questions above, now is the time to recommit to your camp’s Legacy Program and reconnect with your Legacy members.

Need More Motivation? 

This might seem like a daunting task on top of all of your other responsibilities, but we’re here to help. While it’s true that bequest gifts from Legacy members may take decades to realize, if you stay in touch with your Legacy members for the rest of their living lives, they will become loyal and responsive annual donors. The lifetime value of your Legacy members with current and after-life gifts is estimated to be over $35,000 (on average). We believe that Legacy fundraising is worth the investment of your time and efforts. Don’t you? 

Tips, Tools, Samples, and Where to Start

Watch the "Reboot Your Legacy Program" webinar above to get helpful tips for restarting your Legacy Program, and learn more from two camps that reconnected with Legacy members: how they did it and what they learned along the way. Or you can read this article with the "4 Steps to Reboot Your Legacy Program” if you prefer have all the information summarized in one place. Both the webinar and the article cover the same basic information. 

Bottom line: Please don’t keep your Legacy program dormant, or you’ll be walking away from an estimated $2 million plus in future donations. Instead, reach out to your JCamp 180 mentor should you need help restarting your camp’s Legacy Program today.

Written by Julia Riseman. Julia is a Mentor with JCamp 180. Julia leads Data2Donors, a program to advance Alumni Outreach, improve camp databases, and raise more major gifts, and Fundraising Fundamentals. Julia has also sparked the creation of many JCamp 180 programs and offerings, including this blog.

Who we are: JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Our goal is to significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps in North America. To meet this goal, we provide affiliated Jewish camps with consulting services, annual conferences, shared resources, professional development, and matching grant opportunities. Find more at