Did you know that 84% of consumers value recommendations from friends and family above all forms of advertising? Or that brand messages on social media are shared 24 times more frequently when coming from employees (real people) compared to when posted by the company? As
Melissa Russom says in this article on Nonprofit Tech for Good, “We trust people more than we trust companies. It’s that simple.”
So what’s this mean for your camp?
Your camp has many advocates – current campers, their parents, alumni, donors, board members, and more. What if THEY shared the magic of your camp on social media for you? As we see from the statistics above, their content is much more likely to spread and be believed than your official camp social media content.
In other words, what if they were your camp’s social media ambassadors?
In Melissa’s article, she shares
seven tips for managing an effective social media ambassador program. Check out these tips and examples from other organizations to help you find, engage, and support your fans in spreading your messages for you online.
But wait…there’s more!
If you are interested in this topic and want to learn more, you’re in luck.
Melissa will be leading workshops at this year’s
JCamp 180 Conference, including one on this very topic. The conference will be held October 27-29 in Springfield, MA. Keep an eye out for registration to open in late August and look for Melissa’s workshops.
Written by Kevin Martone. Kevin is the Technology Program Manager with JCamp 180. His focus area is in applying technology (database management, communications) to support fundraising and outreach efforts. Kevin leads JTEC (JCamp 180 Training in Effective Communications) and co-leads Data2Donors, a program to help camps prioritize their database for improved Alumni outreach and fundraising.
Who we are: JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Our goal is to significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps in North America. To meet this goal, we provide affiliated Jewish camps with consulting services, annual conferences, shared resources, professional development, and matching grant opportunities. Find more at www.jcamp180.org