We’ve all seen the studies. We know people who have had life-defining moments and summers at camp. But we live nonprofit Jewish camp all year round.
What about the unaffiliated, those who are less inclined to attend synagogue or send their kids to Jewish Day School or even celebrate the Jewish holidays? Do they know about the impact of your camp? Can you ensure the stories get to them as well?
That’s the key, really. Stories. Are you capturing stories about the impact of your camp? Stories about kids connecting with their Judaism for the first time or overcoming a challenge or becoming a leader. Stories about the life lessons from camp that go far beyond a camper’s summer, far beyond their childhood. And after collecting those stories, are you sharing them, getting them out to the people who haven’t heard them yet?
For example, a former camper and staff member at Eden Village Camp – Anya Kauffman – shared her college application essay with the camp team because of the central importance camp played in it. Anya and Eden Village Camp shared
her essay about baseless love (ahavat chinam), how she learned about it at camp, and how it affects her daily life.
How many Anya’s are out there who were changed because of your camp? Do you have their stories? Have you shared them with the world?
Written by Kevin Martone. Kevin is the Technology Program Manager with JCamp 180. His focus area is in applying technology (database management, communications) to support fundraising and outreach efforts. Kevin leads JTEC (JCamp 180 Training in Effective Communications) and co-leads Data2Donors, a program to help camps prioritize their database for improved Alumni outreach and fundraising.
Who we are: JCamp 180 is a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF). Our goal is to significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit Jewish camps in North America. To meet this goal, we provide affiliated Jewish camps with consulting services, annual conferences, shared resources, professional development, and matching grant opportunities. Find more at www.jcamp180.org