We don’t always follow our own recommendations to clients.
But sometimes we do.
When we recommend that camps use blogging as way to be open, generous and connected to all of your various audiences (or “stakeholders”) we really mean it.
And so, welcome to the new JCamp 180 blog.
Our goal here is to earn your attention by delivering content you can use – ideas and tools that will help you be more effective in your work as a professional or volunteer in the Jewish camp world.
We will focus a lot on the areas that you’d expect from JCamp 180 – fundraising, planning, governance and technology in a Jewish camping context.
But we will also try to act as a clearinghouse for relevant posts from sources we like who offer actionable wisdom and inspiration in nonprofit management, camping, Jewish programming, alumni engagement, professional development, personal productivity, etc.
Ultimately, of course, your attention and response will determine the real value of our work here.
We encourage you to respond to, share, critique, dispute, and improve upon the stuff we deliver. We’re counting on you to submit suggestions on topics for us to deliver here.
We also want you to have a chance to take the wheel from time to time. So you aspiring guest bloggers out there who feel you have something important to share with your peers, please be in touch with us.
Send ideas, offers, suggestions, criticisms, etc. to
Thanks for your attention.
The JCamp 180 Blog Team – Kevin, Julia, Aron, Tara, Allison and Dan